Prof Nagesh Pai

MBBS, DPM, MD, FRANZCP, FIAPsych, CCST Gen Adult Psychiatry, Dip.NBPsych, GCert Med Ed, GcertHlthServ R&D, AFRACMA, AFCHSM

Professor Pai is currently Foundation Professor & Academic Leader of Psychiatry and Chair of Clinical Phase MD Program, Graduate Medicine, University of Wollongong, Australia.

His other roles include Senior Clinical Academic, Specialist Mental Health services for Older Persons at the Illawarra Shoalhaven Local Health District.

Co-Director, WBA Program, ISLHD, Academic Member, Auditor & Assessor, Substantial Comparability Review Panel, RANZCP, Adjunct Professor of Medical Education and Psychiatry, Manipal Academy of higher Education, India, Visiting Professor SRM University and Consultant Psychiatrist, Wollongong Psychological Medicine.

He has published over 150 articles during the past ten years and is on the editorial and reviewers Board of several Psychiatric journals.